April 8, 2014

Do I Really Need Packing Cubes?

Here is the deal, I actually enjoy packing! I love figuring out the most efficient and space saving way to fit things together (I also love puzzles by the way). So since I am pretty good at packing, for the longest time I didn't think I needed packing cubes. I thought they are for people who aren't good at packing.

But when I was packing for my two months Italy trip, I wanted to be EXTRA organized. So I bought a few packing cubes to see if they would help. That was when I discovered, OH MAN, THEY ARE AMAZING!!

Here are some reasons why they are great:

1. They make things appear more neatlyIf you are already good at organizing, this probably won’t make that much of a difference. But if you are not good at folding or fitting things together, the difference is noticeable.

Same amount of clothes: left with packing cubes, right without packing cubes
Without packing cubes
With packing cubes

2. They make it easy to move things around. When organizing luggage, if everything is packed in packing cubes, it's easier to move things around without making a mess (such as messing up the folded clothes). This convenience is much appreciated especially at the airport. If I need to open the luggage to search for something or try to fit a last minute item into the luggage, packing cubes save me the embarrassment of having my personal belongings bulging out of the suitcase or scattered across the floor. 

Also, when arriving at the hotel, unpacking is quick and easy. I just take each cube to its designated
place, such as the bathroom or the closet, and I am done!

3. They are so versatile. This is probably my favorite point about packing cubes. I can use them in so many ways beyond just packing clothes in the suitcase.  

Here are some ways to use packing cubes:

For carry-on essentials
For electronics
For makeup
For shoes
For storing and separating dirty clothes
For medications
 For picnic/snacks

And many many more...

I bought my packing cubes at Amazon and IKEA. There are many different brands, sizes, colors, and material to choose from. 

One of the packing cubes from the IKEA set even has double compartments, one on each side
I like packing cubes that are lightweight (because when packing it's all about space and weight), transparent (so I can easily identify what's inside), and with handles (so I can carry it like a bag for shopping or going to the laundromat).


  1. Thanks for the review! I was looking to see if the Ikea packing bags were any good, and it seems like they're definitely worth it!

  2. Thanks for sharing this nice information about packing ,.
    packing cubes

  3. I am searching this type of information on packing cubes This types of article on a particular topic provide the information to the users...

  4. Hello, do you know where can I buy for send to Spain? In Ikea are unavailable :(
    Thanks in advance.
